29 March 2009

Love Sac Sunday

Holli had another party at casa de Meagen and Tonka last night for a friend leaving on his mission. They watched a movie and we brought her love sac over from her house for more seating. Moving the love sac up and down the stairs is a bitch so we just left it at my place. (PS - Hoe we should just throw it over the balcony if we ever take the sac back home.) So me and Tonk have been hanging out on it watching The Shield all morning. Love sacs are so comfy! Oh don't mind the knee-bone Tonka is gnawing on. He loves those things. And I love him. :)


Anonymous said...

I've never heard of Love Sacs before. Those are so cool! I'm assuming Holli has the Sac-tional setup they have on their website?

Holli said...

I left my dvd player at your house! you have my sac and player! =) party! lets have a party for when i pee! woo woo raise the roof hahha jk i didnt just say that. but seriously..need to pee

Meagen Ridley said...

Hoe, you probably won't ever get your love sac back. Tonk loves it and frankly so do I! we've been laying in it all day long!

Meagen Ridley said...

Oh but you can have your DVD player back.

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