18 March 2009

I Love Tonka

I love my dog, obviously. I've becoming one those people who do a post every other day about their kids, or in my case dog...But I don't care. I love him as big as the sky. (My Mom is smiling ear to ear reading that). Anyway, I was going through photos on my iPhone and found these that I just love.

This is one of my favorite pictures ever. Holli was at my house hanging out and we were watching something on my bed. Holli feel asleep with her head on one side of my lap and Tonka was on the other. An adorable picture.

This is a sweet one of when Tonka was a puppy and would cuddly up in the nook of my arm. Now he just mostly sleeps at my feet.


Anonymous said...

He really is a cute pup.

Anonymous said...

Thats me?.. Hm. i do not remember that. possibly because i was asleep... I looked at that picture and thought " Wow Meagen's hair got dark."

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