This has been making the rounds everywhere and I thought I'd participate.
- I don't like anything mint flavored unless it's green.
- I can't eat in the dark. Even if it's only popcorn.
- I have had the same cell phone number since my junior year of high school. But I've had 3 different service carriers. (PS AT&T sucks ass)
- I will only buy Fiji water.
- I will buy a DVD, even if I don't like it, because it's part of a series.
- I am loyal to a fault.
- I want to know what it feels like to be shot. I don't know why. (PS This is NOT an invitation for someone to shoot me.)
- I love people's court daytime tv shows. Like Judge Alex and Christina's Court. And Divorce Court. They are hilarious.
- I've never been bowling. Ever.
- I have the most comfortable bed in the world. Seriously.
- I can touch my nose with my tongue. (Funny that I mention this one right after the one about my bed. HAAA. WOOO)
- My Mom will laugh hysterically at #10 and #11. I promise. That's one of the reasons I love her.
- I have not eaten fast food in over a year. See here. And here.
- I'm blind as a bat. Seriously. I can't see my hand held in front of my face without my glasses or contacts.
- I was a gymnast for over 10 years.
- I have had surgery 5 different times. Appedix removed, ovarian cysts removed (twice), gall bladder removed, shoulder rebuilt.
- I always make a wish at 12:34.
- I once turned the family laundry room into my bedroom. Don't ask.
- I want some of these shoes. BAD. And these boots. I found them on my friend Jessica's new blog.
- I love baseball. The smells. The field. The sound of a bat connecting with a ball. LOVE it.
- I am a car baby. I'll fall asleep going to Lehi if I'm not driving.
- I have seasonal depression. Bad.
- I want to buy a tanning bed.
- I want to be one of those crazy-tan leathery-skinned old ladies, who sun bathes all day long and goes to baseball games every night.
- I clean when I'm stressed. Lately, my house is spotless.
I have loved reading everyone's 25 things. I seriously laughed out loud when I read you want to be one of those tan leathery ladies...I do too!
#24 - Please don't. I'm just sayin'!
YOU SSSSSSSSSSSSLAY ME! I was reading those to your dad, and seriously I BUSTED out laughing. AND THEN...I read the next one. LuvLuvs!
I remember 15 and the appendix from 16. Oh, and remember being so blind in gymnastics that we actually wore chums to keep our glasses on? Holy trash we were nerdy. Thank Heavens for contacts!
You should of also put number 15 after 10.
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