12 February 2009


Well I think this is proof that my mailman/woman does in fact hate me. A little background, I hate checking the mail. I've been known to go days, even weeks, without checking it. I get soo much junk, I just hate going through it. So, that being said, my mailbox gets really full (insert 'that's what she said joke' here). It gets so full that things get smooshed. I imagine the mailperson cramming things in there then quickly closing the door before anything can fall out. Like when you shove things in the "junk" closet and the next person to open the door gets a nice little surprise? He he. I mean no..I don't do things like that.

Anyway, I've been waiting for a shipment from Proactiv for a while now and I was getting concerned that I hadn't seen it in the big packages box yet. So, I checked my little mailbox for the first time in a good week and found that the shipment was in there, instead of the packages box that it's usually delivered in. And now, I can not get it out. I have no idea how the mailperson got it in there. But it's stuck for good. Bummer.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for reminding me! I need to go check my box I use for my business.
When you don't actually do anything with your business it kind of slips your mind, you know?
Sometimes I'll go a whole month.

Anonymous said...

Hmm... well, the only thing I can think is that the mailman loads the mail from the backside where there's no little door edge that gets in the way. If that's the kind of mailbox you have, I bet it would slide right out from the backside (uh... that's what she said? St. Peter's gonna drop me for that, I just know it!)

Anyway, you might have to catch the mailman whenever they show up and open that back door.

Brenda said...

I am physically laughing my ass off! You are so your mother's daughter. Hey wait, doesn't your maillady live in the condo across from you? WOW! L.L.s

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