21 November 2009

Q&A Baby!

Like many others out there, I stalk a few blogs of random people I'll most likely never meet. You know how it goes, you're reading a friend's blog and you click through to someone they link and before you know it, you've added this stranger to your Google Reader and bam! You think you know everything about them. This is great, except I often find myself with questions for these writers. For example, I recently came across a blog where this couple is selling/storing all of their possessions to go on a backpack trek. I was so curious as to what motivated them to make this huge journey and where exactly they are going that I skimmed their entire blog looking for the answers. I never did figure it out. It would have been so much easier if I had had the courage to just leave them a comment and ask, but I felt like I couldn't ask because well, I am a random blog stalker. So it makes me wonder if anyone that reads my blog has questions for me?

My friend Von, recently solved this problem on her blog by encouraging her readers to ask ANY question and she'll answer it. I was her first question asker, he he, go me go.

So I am going to do the same thing here on mine. Friends, family, stalkers, everyone, feel free to ask me any question you'd like and I will answer it. Seriously, I will answer ANY question with complete honesty. Just leave your questions in the comments section. I hope that the question askers will be brave enough to use their real names, but if you aren't comfortable with it I will still answer the questions left by Annonymous readers. Let's have em!!

PS - I am going to be really sad if no one asks me anything. :-)


John Pender said...

1. Do you like me? If so, how much?
2. If I came to Utah to visit, what would we do?
3. Why don't you ever wear your hair in a simple ponytail?
4. Have you read any of my stories?
5. Can I have your iMac?
6. Can I have Tonka?

Andrea said...

Will you teach me how to knit so that I can make leg warmers, beanies and scarves for my step-kids? It's going to be a cheap Christmas this year and I have to cut costs wherever I can.

Unknown said...

Have you ever been in love?

I had to ask a hard one, because I got a couple of dooz-E's! LOL.

The Stanley's said...

You simply amaze me and I love how honest you are!

My question - How do you deal with stress?

i love this idea.. i might steal it myself! :)

Mark Lundgren said...

What's your favorite holiday?

What's the coolest place you've ever been?

Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts?

Anonymous said...

What's your favorite comfort food? 
What was your last concert?
What/who do you envy? 
If you could switch places/lives with someone famous who would it be? How about someone not famous?
If you could live a movie, what would it be?

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