14 January 2009

Curtis Lemansky, I love you

Oh The Shield, how I love you. I'm rewatching it, for probably the 4th time. If you've never seen it, you are missing out. Lem will always be my favorite. I mean DAMN. Try and tell me your heart doesn't leap when he puts his hat on backwards and walks out the door about 20 seconds into this scene. And if that isn't enough for you (and I know it won't be), I've included an extra picture just for you to stare at for while.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, I didn't even know that anyone in Utah even watched that show. As for Lem, I'll never forget the episode when Shane killed him, I wanted to kill Shane. I think my heart stopped beating for a minute when I realized what was happening. Anyways, you should try watching Damages, that is a really good show. I'm Jill King's brother by the way. Nice to know someone else felt the same pain I felt when the show ended.

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