08 August 2008

Step Brothers

Holli and I were looking for something to do a few days ago and decided to go see Step Brothers. It had some pretty funny parts, but like Will Ferrell's last movie (Semi-Pro), I think this one would have been better as a PG-13 movie. The scenes that gave Step Brothers the R-rating were not all that funny and it just seemed like they were trying too hard. 

On a side note, I've decided I no longer want to see the upcoming movie Tropic Thunder. When I first saw the trailer for this one (months ago), I thought it looked really funny and it made me want to go. Since then, I've seen the same exact trailer in previews at other movies and on TV so many times I could throw up. The fact that they haven't taken the time to put together a new trailer with different scenes makes me think that all of the funny parts were shown in the first trailer. So I'm going to pass on this one. Thanks.

1 comment:

Alissa said...

I have to see this! It looks very funny! Another hilarious one is Pineapple Express we saw it last weekend, and I was literally crying from laughing so hard.

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