09 August 2008

Rainy Game

We had not one, but two rain delays at the Owlz game tonight. The first delay, I gathered all my stuff (i.e. purse, book, blanket, ipod, phone, jacket - yes, I bring a crap load of stuff to baseball games) and ran up and hid under the roof of the concourse. I remained totally dry. Woo.

After we returned to our seats my friend Mike gave me an umbrella, joking that I may need it later. So it starts to drizzle again and I pull out the umbrella, put on my jacket, and wrap my blanket around my legs. I was going to brave it out this time since I thought I was super prepared. And then it just starting pouring down. My Mom and I huddled under my little umbrella trying to stay as dry as possible. Right. What were we thinking? We got soaked. But even though I was cold and wet the remainder of the evening, it was kind of fun trying to stay dry. :P


jayni & ben said...

Plus look how cute you look in this picture. Go Meagen Go. Way to be brave!!

Jobi Niu said...

UM.. your freaking eyes?!?! WOW! I LOVE baseball games.. not rainy ones though.. ha ha

jayni & ben said...

I just looked at this picture again and I can't help but tell you that you are the cutest thing ever!! Seriously you look soooooooo cute:)

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