04 December 2009

Going Raw

Soo Holli and I are going on the Raw Food Diet. Sorta. She is going to do it pretty hard core, because she has to for her health. I live with her and it's just easier if we eat similar things, so I'll be doing portions of it too.

She went and bought a bunch of fruit and I bought the veggies. I just spent the last hour washing and dividing and cutting it all up. Look how easy breakfast, lunch, and snacks are!

Veggies: Carrots, broccoli, olives, green beans, cherry tomatoes, cucumber. Dip: Hidden Valley Green Onion dip

Fruits: Red and green apples, mandarin oranges, peaches, cantalope, bananas. I put a little lemon juice in each one as well to keep everything fresh. I didn't add the bananas, because they would go rotten too fast, but we've got those too.


Unknown said...

I listened to "Raw Melissa" speak recently...and she is pretty much amazing and inspiring. BUT she makes the best smoothies all from raw stuff like spinach. Delish. I think that you need to add it to the diet.

Andrea said...

Good luck with that. I couldn't even handle vegan for very long. I do have a question, though...If you don't melt you chocolate, is it considered raw?

John Pender said...

Supplement it with some protein and you're good to go.
Good luck!

-nick and whitley- said...

yum yum yummm!!!!

Brenda said...

AWESOME! count US in too!

jayni & ben said...

That looks soo yummy. I want some fruit. My mouth is watering so much right now.

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