31 July 2008

I Believe

be·lieve [bi-leev]
to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so

I believe that ice cream is the best dessert ever.

I believe that blondes really do have more fun.

I believe summer is the greatest time of year.

I believe that Garth Brooks is one of the greatest artists of all time.

I believe that avocado is the food of the gods.

I believe that dogs are man's best friend.

I believe that it's much better to be early than late.

I believe that Fiji water is superior to all other waters.

I believe that Comcast rips me off every single month.

I believe that my family has my best interest at heart, even when I don't.

I believe that in every relationship one person is always chasing the other. I also believe that that role switches between the two continuously over time.

I believe that David's are the only sunflower seeds worth eating.

I believe that everyone should learn to drive a stick at some point in their life.

I believe that Kenny Chesney will fall head over heels in love with me someday. :) But if he ever sat and actually sang a song to me I would be completely turned off. Go figure.

I believe there is no time like the present.

I believe that intelligence is a much bigger turn on than the way a person looks.

I believe that you have to take big risks to see big rewards.

I believe you should have chapstick and sunglasses with you at all times.

I believe that TSO is the greatest concert you will ever see.

I believe in wishes made on shooting stars.

I believe Apple makes superior products.

I believe that it's good for a person to believe in something bigger than themselves.

I believe that more I say 'believe' the more I believe it's not an actual word.

I believe laughter is the best medicine.

I believe you shouldn't bring a child into this world unless you are going to love him unconditionally.

I believe in karma.


Unknown said...

GOOD list of "beliefs"!

Unknown said...

Hahah I believe comcast comment make me laugh. I believe in dating someone dumber then me so that i am the smart one in the relationship.

jayni & ben said...

I believe you are a little cutie. I agree with the blondes have more fun. We do I know.. I have had both. I agree with the Garth Brooks thing. Sometimes his songs just make me happy.

Anonymous said...

I believe your comment about the sunflower seeds is right... They don't use as much salt...

Or maybe it's the other way around... they use too much salt... crap I can't remember.

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