02 July 2008

Your dentist's name is Crentis?

...Maybe thats why he became a dentist? Ha ha. I love The Office. I went to the dentist yesterday for a long over due cleaning and because I chipped my one and only crown a while ago. The past few weeks I've been having a little bit of pain on the right side of my teeth, so I figured I had a cavity (boo) but I wasn't having any pain on the left side where my crown is. Well, turns out I don't have any cavities (go me go) but the crown needed to be replaced. So I went back this morning at 7AM to do so. They gave me the giggle gas. And it made me feel funny, but I did not giggle. The whole time I was lying there thinking 'Uhh could someone call my Mom, I don't think I should drive like this'. Ha ha.

Anyway, the gas has worn off and so has the numbing and now my mouth is pounding. I can feel my heartbeat in my tooth. I didn't even know that was possible.

I'm not sure why I even told this story, it's really not interesting in the slightest bit. I just wanted to use a quote from The Office. :)

1 comment:

Holli said...

No seriously.. you should have an M&M....

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