19 October 2008

Budget Book

I don't care much for writing down every time I swipe my debit card some place, so in an attempt to budget and become a cash-only consumer I've come up with this new (and very cute I may add) system for my monies. I've added a few envelopes to a book for different spending categories (food, fun, etc). I'll put a certain amount of cash into them from each paycheck and when the envelope is empty, then it's no more spending for me. I'll put any leftover monies into my ING Savings account. I'm going to try this system out for a month and see how it goes. And if it fails, then at least I'll have a cute new book!


Amy said...

Oh, my! That's just too cute! I need to see that one in person!

sunni said...

Freak I love how creative you are!! I wish I had a little creativity in my brain... BUT nope zero for me!! Way cute dude!! I love it! Way to go on being a cash consumer... we are slowly getting there.

Anonymous said...

Shoot, you are going backwards! I'm still waiting for them to implant a chip in my hand so I can just wave my thumb and complete my payment -- then go home and download all my purchase data to a budgeting program and have it automatically update!

But, until that time I heard someplace that it is important to assign a task to every dollar you earn (whether it be for food, fun, or savings). If you are going to do it old school (cash that is) then the envelope method works quite well. I remember my father using it back in the 70's ;)

I use an excessively complex spreadsheet.

Good luck!

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